
Security guards & services

Property surveillance, event security and personal protection, but also admission controls or traffic surveillance often require flexible staff rostering distributed over several locations.

Managers must always have an up-to-date overview of their scheduled teams - who is deployed with which qualifications at which location or premises? Which upcoming events will increase the number of staff required? How can I schedule team members for several premises or events at the same time on the same day?

With Geocon, you form the appropriate teams and create rosters with weekly and monthly views. All team members always see their current upcoming shifts via GeoconAPP and book their working times at the respective premises.

Events - Objekte - Personen


Planen Sie flexibel Ihre Einsatzkräfte - am richtigen Einsatzort, mit der erforderlichen Qualifikation, mit den passenden Teammitgliedern!

Why plan with Geocon in security guards?

  • Scheduling:
    • Legally compliant: Automatic consideration of all legal requirements, group / company agreements, collective agreements
    • Demand-based: Display in personnel requirements per shift code
    • Efficient: Combined planning with duties and on-calls; storage of central master plans with clocking per staff member; automatic generation of rosters at the end of the month for next months; multi-level annual leave planning; methods for entitlement calculations that can be used in parallel, any number of time accounts.
    • Clear: Freely definable views for target/actual comparisons, multi-month and cross-departmental planning.
    • GDPR-compliant: Automatic deletion of rosters after x years, automatic deletion of master data of employees who have left after x months; data logs with automatic deletion after x months.
  • Absence management:
    • Unlimited number of calculation methods for leave, additional leave from night work or rotating shifts, relief days, compensatory time-off
    • Diverse screens for managing unplanned as well as planned absences (including automatic synchronisation with rosters)
    • "Substitute exchange": Digital workflow for (re)filling vacant slots (including push message on app)
  • Direct communication between employees and superiors
    • Platform for approval processes: Integrate employees into planning processes (Geocon WebClient, GeoconAPP)
    • Workflows for holiday applications, requested work times, duty changes, refilling of vacancies due to absence, booking data from timekeeping, etc.
  • Supplementary controlling and planning tools
    • Visualised personnel data based on created rosters and employee master data (Geocon Cockpit)
    • Monitoring of all decisive key figures of the institution / the provider
    • Rules and regulations for personnel-relevant dates and deadlines
  • Process-oriented role concepts
    • Freely configurable authorisation profiles with access definitions for all structures (rosters / departments / locations / regions)
    • Role delimitation for team leader, operations manager, regional management, personnel, controlling, MD
    • Separate authorisations for employee representation and works council

With Geocon you opt for:

  • Tariff-compliant mapping of all your requirements
  • Intuitive, user-friendly operability
  • Highest compatibility with third-party systems for data synchronisation
  • Professional implementation management, permanent accessibility
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Would you like to learn more about our products? Contact us, we are happy to be there for you!